Monday, January 3, 2011

Will All These “The Walking Dead”’s Fans Wait Till Next Halloween?!

In actual life apparently no one conceders that so called zombies really exist, but when it’s about entertainment, these beings entirely hold attention if is about zombie games, motion picture adaptations, zombie comics, or Halloween’s disguises. Last event that would defend this reality is the American TV show called “The walking dead”, whose first season has completed last week, and got the highest ratings of any basic cable show, of all times. 

This show had its first showing on the AMC network on October 31, 2010 with a 70-minute first showing episode and today AMC and the producers are apparently repenting because it went for only six weeks. The point is that the medium number of spectators of this TV show was 3,5 millions and the anticipation for the season finale collected six million spectators, agreeing to the network. With this it got the highest valuation of any basic cable show, of all times, but it’s too crucial that the TV show was followed from the all-crucial 18-49 demographic. The ultimate episode of “Hannah Montana” had 10.7 million spectators but its public is under 18 years old, some final episodes of “The Sopranos” had about 13 million spectators but agreeing to all specifications, “Walking dead” is the greater followed drama TV show in principal cable history in the demographic. 

“The Walking Dead” is set up on the comic book TV show with the alike heading, constituted by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard, and broadcasted by Image Comics. It was adapted for TV by Frank Darabont and the capital players includes Andrew Lincoln, Jon Bernthal and Sarah Wayne Callies. 

It’s about post – apocalyptic horror fiction that succeeds a small gang of survivors. They go round the ruined United States, trying to find for a new home, seeking to break away from the stumbling group of the undead. The capital character, Rick Grimes, who was a sheriff's assistant before the zombie aggression, directs this gang that faces unbelievable things. From one side are the zombies but on the other side here are the massy leavings of suffering human masses. All the occurrences and the battle to remain alive pressures them to the very edge of lucidity. Along with the adventure there is a big human drama, treating difficult interpersonal relationships, that puts the show into more of an intellectual thriller type than an action adventure. There are some unambiguous scenes with blood and killing, but for the greater part the show is little about the zombies chasing brains and more about the individuals and their mental battles, battling with the probability that they might be the last few people on Earth. 

The only suspicious thing is that the first season completed so not completed, leaving many open questions, and the audience needs to wait till next Halloween to see the new season…

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